Steven Juanes Jr., Pantheon’s IT Manager, started working for Pantheon in 2015. In the same year he began working for Pantheon, a company building the world’s best WebOps Platform, they began centralizing a number of their employees to one San Francisco office. And in addition to this merge, Steven noticed that there were stockpiles of hardware that had been collecting in closets since 2012.
Over the next three years, Pantheon would hire many new employees, and that’s when trouble managing the hardware lifecycle began.
“It was the wild wild west. People just bought what they needed. We didn't have a procurement process, MDM, or anything, so I had to build those processes myself. The hardest part is deploying changes throughout the organization on my own. The challenge is to not cause disruption for our team while major changes happen.”
For a moment, Steven and the Pantheon team considered allowing their employees to buy back the computers, but as time went on, they began to realize this was not a sustainable or time-efficient method to manage and repurpose their hardware. They needed a vendor – a vendor who had to meet enterprise security requirements and provide data certificates. As hardware continued to pile up and there was still no ideal way to manage the hardware in a timely manner, Steven reached out to a MacBook supplier. They referred Steven to Revivn.
"We already had a pile, so we grabbed all the serial numbers and put them in a spreadsheet and sent it over. A pickup was scheduled. I remember it vividly! The pickup team rolled in with a cart, and we dropped stuff into the cart. They were gone in 5-10 minutes.”
Prior to sending their machines to Revivn, Pantheon does wipe their machines’ data, but Revivn takes it a step further.
"Revivn’s product sanitization measures all meet or exceed the standards set forth by the Department of Defense and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Special Publication 800-88, ‘Guidelines for Media Sanitization,’ and the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID). This process may include measures such as overwriting, purging, shredding, disintegration, incineration, and pulverization. Revivn is certified in ISO 9001, 45001 & 14001.”
A few weeks later, Pantheon received the reports detailing the assets collected, the data destruction certificate, and the non-profit organizations that benefited from the repurposed tech through Revivn. Some of the organizations impacted by Pantheon's donations include SF City Impact, PEPY Empowering Youth, and Refugee Transitions. Since then, they’ve done 2-3 more pickups, and now they keep in touch with the Revivn Partner Relations team and use our web application to schedule the pickups themselves.
“Revivn has made it really easy for us to transfer a machine from active use to end of life. We don't look at a pile of machines anymore and say, ‘What are we going to do with this?’ Ease of use, the streamlining, and time savings are all really valuable aspects that Revivn provides.”