Good Call, a community-centered tech nonprofit based in NYC, is helping to develop the future of tech to advance, support and improve the criminal justice system. Since 2016, the organization has helped protect the rights of marginalized communities facing excessive and unnecessary arrests and unfair treatment by the criminal justice system.
Offering a free 24/7 arrest support hotline, youth programs, and community outreach, Good Call provides free proactive and/or immediate legal support for those arrested. They also focus on educating and impacting their communities.
Good Call and Revivn have been partners since 2017, during the start of their internship program. In 2021, the internship program was revamped to maintain COVID protocols. Revivn helped Good Call expand computer access to all of their interns so that they could build out a hybrid program. The laptops were also utilized by ambassadors who were doing educational outreach in New York City neighborhoods.
So far, Revivn’s technology donations to Good Call have added flexibility to the internship program: “the access has been a big change for our internship and ambassador program because the computers allow for a hybrid or fully remote job opportunity for those who desire or need the flexibility,” said Denise Piña.
Looking at the impact of technology access in the future, Piña expects it to be “greater as we are able to provide free access to technology to our communities of previously incarcerated youth and ambassadors. The free access provides the opportunity for them to apply to jobs, schools, apprenticeships, internships, and much more.”
Technology access has been crucial to an organization like this– their vision is to provide technology to people regardless of their financial status. The access has been a big change for both the internship and ambassador program, with computers opening doors for a hybrid or remote job opportunity for those who prefer or need the flexibility.
Learn about what Good Call is working on at goodcall.nyc